Reading Group – First session

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    • Dernière publication
    • Annoucements

      Find general announcements and updates about the first session of le salon divinatoire's bookclub - they are still posted on the page and blog, but it's convinient not to miss anything !

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    • Discussions about the book-club

      The reading group/book club is just launching, it's natural a few things have to be discussed. You can post here questions, suggestions, and discussions about this first session. Don't be shy!

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    • Introductions (not mandatory)

      It's always nicer to know who you're discussing with! You can post here a word about yourself, what you like, who you are... If you want to.

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    • Your books

      The admins would really appreciate you posting what you will be reading for this session - you can update (delete or add books) at any time!

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    • Aucun Sujet

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